Thursday, August 4, 2011

Team Extreme Part 2

By June we'd finished getting the cast together. So far, we had, about a 20 person crew, half of which were working for next to nothing. Most of the actors were pretty new, with a few seasoned veterans who just wanted to work on something 'small'. I had hired an Art Director, and we started to put together a list of props. The story involved police, so we needed to rent 'cop props'. One spot waaay out tin the valley had just about everything needed for a full scale invasion, including AK-47's, bazooka, small name it.

Out trip to the Universal Prop House was about as close to surreal as the project would get. Imagine a 5 story thrift store that had everything. With our tedious list of props almost ready to go, day 1 of the shoot was here. I was working a full-time job at the time, so I was limited to weekend shoots, with an occasional weekday visit on set.

The biggest irony of all was the Producer we'd hired to oversee the movie was also my boss at work. He didnt seem to mind me taking impromptu days off. I'd been there the first day of shooting to see that we were right under the flight path of a nearby airpot. Almost every shot we too that day had airplane sounds in the back. The shoot was off to an exhaustive start. (cont.)

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