Thursday, November 21, 2013

Don Martin

I'm always struck about how little I hear about Don's work. For me, he had to be one of the biggest sole influences on my illustration. And you can't help but notice his style in Matt Groening Simpsons or Family Guy. His bean-pole characters along with their huge feet endured torture and humiliation alongside a slew of illustrated graphic sound effects, that were as fun to read as the comics themselves.

Don got his start as a printer typesetter, and later was hired by newly founded MAD Magazine in 1956. He ususally ran 2 or 3 strips in each issue, usually with benign titles, that resulted in their protaganist being mauled or beat up in some way.

Don went on to contribute to some various animation throughout the years including this rare and early VH1 promo from the 80's:

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