Thursday, December 13, 2007


Sad to say, but, Ike's left us. Aside from the horror tales of his years with Tina, the man was a prolific producer/musician. Sometimes these guys' bad behavior sadly eclipses any other contributions they might have made.

I had a chance to meet Ike years ago at a party. The party had about 12 guests and was held at Ron Hightowers house (if you need to, look him up). There were an assortment of characters there including actress' from Ron's movies, Ike, Lady Of Rage and a young Big E Smalls, right before 'Ready To Die' had came out. It was an odd small group, even stranger that two young guys from a graffiti magazine were there.

I was in town with a much younger friend, Nate, and was worried that he wouldn't have fun at the party, as, i don't think he'd ever even been out of San Francisco.. I turn around, and Nate is talking it up with Ike at the bar, and the two of them are carrying on and on about something, I'll never know. It was like the two had been waiting to meet all their lives.

Anyways, Ike's passing made that story come to mind.

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