Just got back in from San Diego for an exceptionally intense couple of days. This is the time of year of Comic-Con, the big annual nerd fest. From what I know, this one sold out a week before hand, so, this was truly capacity. I' decided to just go for Thursday and Friday, remembering how insane last years weekend was. Listen here for my dear friends Nina Gregory's story for NPR. A segment of the 120,000 that attended. Lou Ferigno Boba Family The Simon Pegg/Edgar Wright panel Neal Adams Best Costume of the show Lego Indy Michael Golden
I ran across this and was surprised to see the graff in the background. It looks like a Fabulous 5 production. If you look closely, you'll see Fab 5 Freddy, Lee, Blade names. I think Fred was pretty close to Debbie Harry and Chris Stein back then, which eventually led to the song Rapture, where' he's name dropped.
For a few months, I'd gone back and forth with the folks at Manchester Orchestra's label, trying to find the right song and video idea. I'd pitched them about 2-3 written treatments to a couple of songs. The band were keen on the idea of it being animated, but, wanted something somewhat abstract. "Golden Ticket' finally came up, and a slightly narrative treatment was written, and they said 'Go!'. They'd wanted it to be related to the lyrics in certain ways, but nothing to obvious. This is what resulted.
This was shot on Sony HD in my friends basement, and then, composited with all of the animation. The shoot took 3 hours. The animation took 7 weeks. We did have some issues with video fields (which were a bitch to key out), but the rest mostly needed little touch up work.
Having a camera can be handy for references. Sometimes it's up to the artist how close to a subjects authenticity they want to get. Especially with cars and the like, I usually prefer to make up my own. Below is an example I wanted to get right. The Staten Island Ferry for instance, isnt something you'd want to freestyle, so, a reference photo is needed.